Being charged or questioned by the police is incredibly stressful. Get in touch to protect your rights and get straightforward advice.
Contact USWe are criminal defence lawyers based in Launceston, Tasmania. We take on cases in the Magistrates Court and Supreme Court. We take pride in getting great results for our clients.
Our first meeting to discuss your case is free of charge. We will give you advice about your case and how to proceed.
We believe strongly in taking on Legal Aid cases and will explain if you are eligible for legal funding for your case.
We have broad experience in the criminal jurisdictions in Tasmania and have a track record of success.
A restricted drivers licence can get you back on the road after being disqualified.
Drink driving offences can lead to gaol, large fines or disqualification.
These can be heard in the Supreme Court or Magistrates Court.
Getting advice before speaking to the police is important.
Possessing, selling or manufacturing drugs are serious offences.
You have a right to bail, even for serious offences.
This includes a broad range of offences and crimes relating to domestic violence.
A vehicle offence is one committed while driving a vehicle.
Centrelink fraud, importing drugs are examples of Commonwealth Offences.
Most sexual offences are dealt with in the Supreme Court.
Taking or damaging someone else's property is a crime in Tasmania.
Tasmania has a strict Firearms regime.
Many crimes involve an element of dishonesty.
Murder and Manslaughter are examples of homicide.
Breaching a court order is a serious offence.
Please fill in the form below if you would like us to give you a call to discuss your situation.
You can expect a reply within one business day.